Sunday, August 2, 2009

Holly & Scott's Wedding

Last May, Holly and Scott tied the knot.
It was a beautiful wedding and I was excited for both of them.
It was also the first wedding Roger and I attended after ours in February.
We were husband and wife.
We knew what they were experiencing for the first time.
And we got to enjoy the whole wedding experience from a new point of view.
We knew how much work it was and we knew how fun a good match could be.

The day of the wedding, Roger and I helped Scott and Holly by setting up their arch.
It was part of a barter deal.
Holly and Scott hung Chinese lanterns at our wedding.
Both turned out very nice.
It was hot however the day of Holly and Scott's wedding.
I kept sitting down in the shade to catch my breath.
Roger dutifully marched on.
Such a good husband.

He brought his trusty tool kit in case we needed anything.
He looked so cute as he carried it over to the ceremony site.
So boy scout.
So prepared.

After we finished setting up the arch, we went into the locker rooms at the country club to clean up and shower.
Roger was semi-excited.
This was the same locker room Tiger Woods sometimes showered in.
When we met up after getting ready, he described the locker room to me.
I smiled at him.
I loved that he enjoyed simple pleasures.
I loved that he could find "cool" stuff in almost anywhere.

As we went to find our seats for the ceremony, Holly and Scott had put out poppers at the end of each aisle.
I realized that ceremonies can be a little boring for boys.
And so I thought Roger might enjoy being in charge of the popper.
I gave him the aisle seat and just explained to let it off when Holly and Scott passed after they were married.

As the ceremony came to a close, Roger picked up his popper.
As they passed, he pulled the fuse.
And then he did something I could not believe.
He let it go.
And like Roger's luck, the popper became attached to Holly's dress.
Oh my God.
Oh my God.
"Dear, you have to go get it."
Roger replied "Really?"
"Yes! It is stuck to her dress. You have to get it."
In the pictures, you can see Holly's face.
And then you see Roger bending over to get "something" off the ground.
Tugging to get the popper off the dress.

At the reception, we got to enjoy dancing together.
We danced a lot. Pretty much the whole night.
It was nice.
It was the last time we danced in public together like that.
And we were married!
I was his wife.
He was my husband.

I think of the popper story often.
Remembering how silly it was.
Remembering how Roger it was.
It always makes me smile.

Thank you Holly and Scott for a wonderful night last May. I truly enjoyed your wedding night.
It is a night I will always remember.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Haha we will always treasure our pictures/video of the popper incident! Cracks me up everytime! And thanks for doing such a great job on our arch thing! I love this blog entry (of course)!