Sunday, December 20, 2009

Wind chimes

I hate wind chimes.
Cannot stand them.
But Roger loved them.
Not sure why.
We had no less than five hanging on the patio.

Ding ding ding every time the windows were open.
Oh my, how annoying!
During this year's July 4th party, I had a friend take them down to put up the decorations.
The wind chimes stayed down on the ground.
Just laying on the patio.
I could not seem to put them away or put them back up.
But every time I went out to the patio, I saw them staring at me.

In October, when I removed the July 4th decorations, I did not put the wind chimes back up.
Yes, in October.
But then earlier this month, I started spring cleaning.
Yes, spring cleaning, a little late.
I decided to have a yard sale soon and I am going to be selling some things.
Including the stupid wind chimes.
When I went to gather them up, I saw one that reminds me so much of Roger.
One he bought at a local grocery store years ago.

When we moved to this house, Roger took down all his wind chimes at the old house.
And he told me about this particular one.
It has a cardinal on top.
And sunflowers hanging down.
He told me of how when he bought it.
How it reminded him of his dad.
As he removed it from the ceiling, all the pieces fell off.
The twine had rotted.
Roger said we could throw it away.
One less wind chime.

I hate wind chimes.
But I knew Roger wanted to keep this wind chime.
So I went to the garage and gathered some fishing line.
I took all the pieces and reconstructed it.
Roger had this huge smile on his face.

So the other day as I put the others in the yard sale pile.
But I could not get rid of the cardinal one.
It had to go back up.
Mr. X went and got the ladder.
He put it back up for me.

The windows have been open the last couple of days.
In this lovely Florida winter weather, I hear the ding ding.
And it makes me smile.

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